The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain – 384 pages

ARC courtesy of St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Book Blurb:

When Caroline Sears receives the news that her unborn baby girl has a heart defect, she is devastated. It is 1970 and there seems to be little that can be done. But her brother-in-law, a physicist, tells her that perhaps there is. Hunter appeared in their lives just a few years before—and his appearance was as mysterious as his past. With no family, no friends, and a background shrouded in secrets, Hunter embraced the Sears family and never looked back. Now, Hunter is telling her that something can be done about her baby’s heart. Something that will shatter every preconceived notion that Caroline has. Something that will require a kind of strength and courage that Caroline never knew existed. Something that will mean a mind-bending leap of faith on Caroline’s part. And all for the love of her unborn child.

My Review: 4.5 stars

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The Dream Daughter is about family and just what one would do to save his or her child, while simultaneously believing in time travel. For those of you that I just scared away, come back. Fiction is all about suspended reality, so just go with it. You won’t be sorry. Diane Chamberlain has become one of my favorite authors as she continues to deliver novel after novel that are highly readable and completely different from one another. She’s got no formula, just good storytelling.

There’s a bit of suspense, faith, trust, courage, hope, romance, science and a lot of love. It pushes the boundaries for her loyal fan base as it crosses genres with sci-fi light. For a book I enjoyed so much, this is all you’re getting. It’s one of those novels where it’s too easy to give the plot away and the book blurb does that quite well.

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