The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez – 361 pages

Book Blurb:

Kristen Petersen doesn’t do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don’t get her. She’s also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children.
Planning her best friend’s wedding is bittersweet for Kristenβ€”especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He’s funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he’d be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it’s harder and harder to keep him at arm’s length. The Friend ZoneΒ will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.

My Review: 5 stars – Guest Review

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The Friend Zone will probably land on one of my favorite ROM-COM novels for 2019. ROM COM is the acronym for Romantic Comedy. This book is humorous, charming, sweet and well written. I assumed from the cover that this was going to be another enjoyable, fluffy, rom-com book, but it offered so much more – its got heart. This book, which is a debut from Abby Jimenez, offered the reader depth and emotional complexity within a β€œfriends to lovers” romance. When Josh comes into Kristen’s life, in an unusual and comedic way, it is clear to the reader that they are soulmates and belong together.Β Kristen is involved in a long-distance romantic relationship, and for other reasons, she wants to keep Josh at arm’s length. Even though she is falling for Josh, she needs to keep him in the β€œfriend zone”, rather than being honest and risk losing him. The story is told in alternating voices, from Kristen’s and Josh’s points of view. Β  Β 

All of the characters in this book (both major and minor) are well developed and authentic. Kristen shows her sarcastic, witty, honest and strong self with a powerful voice. She is someone I would want to be friends with so I could jump into the book, shake her silly, and have her clear up their continued misunderstanding. I fell in love with Josh, and he is now added to my fave fictional boyfriend list. He is practically too good to be true – I suppose that’s why he’s fiction. The chemistry between the two was on high throttle yet I often got frustrated with the repetitive squabble, and the push and pull of their relationship.

This story is equal parts heartbreaking and funny. The author combines humor with some serious issues dealing with women’s reproductive health and the impact of infertility, which are seldom depicted in fiction which such depth. That being said, the story is ultimately uplifting. The book deals with the themes of love, loss, friendship, and family relationships. It is witty, tender, and honestly shows the real side of romance, and how it isn’t always violins and roses.

This book would make a fantastic movie. I was excited to find out that there will be a sequel about one of the secondary characters. This story will stay with you after you’ve finished it. Even if romantic comedy is not your preferred genre, I highly recommend this book. Reviewed by Guest Fairy Ronna.

Quotes I liked:

β€œFood was my currency. Hungry was an emotion for me.”

β€œI finally understood the kind of love that made men give up everything. The kind that made someone change religions or go vegan or move to the other side of the world to be with the woman they loved.”

β€œI didn’t do hysterics. Never had. When in crisis, I became systematic and efficient.”

β€œI’ll orbit around you and be your universe, because you’ve always been my sun.”

β€œIt was about her allowing herself to be loved, despite what she felt were shortcomings.Β  It was about her recognizing that she wasn’t defined by her ability to have children, and that her worth went beyond the state of her uterus. That was her happily ever after.”

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